Signicade Sign Frames
Signicade sign frames are plastic based A-Frame or also known as “sandwich board” style fames frequently used to hold outdoor signage. They fold up for easy transportation and can be filled with sand for added weight and protection against wind gusts.
We sell 4 mil coroplast inserts to be used with these signs (sold separately, 2 required for double side viewing). These corrugated inserts are a perfect match for signs that do not have a frame on all sides. Poster inserts have their place but fir signicades… don’t settle for anything other than our signicade inserts!
NOT ALL SIGNICADES ARE CREATED EQUAL! Similar style signicades can be found for less online, but you get what you pay for. We choose to offer this plasticade line because they are a quality built product including deluxe features like the sign “stay tabs”. These models will outlast the cheaper competition!